Wake Up To Life

I noticed that thinking about the outputs that I have to submit and the deadline attached is overwhelming. I feel being paralyzed, stuck, and I do not even know where to start. The deadline is in my head, and I am not starting anything, not even one. I discovered the power of the “little by…

Manage Your Expectations

Before getting married, I had a picture of a smooth, perfect, united, not dramatic marriage with my soon to be husband. I had an expectation of living in a lovely home, well painted house, with a visionary, and amazing husband. Fast forward, I got married to an amazing, loving, responsible, and great engineer whom I…

Your Superpower

With the rise of social media, we can see the private life of people that should have remained private. We have a platform for information, but we are inefficient in communication. At times, social media platforms become our junk space. I have seen countless times the heart of people through my days, IG stories, and…

Coffee With Jesus

Matthew 7:24-25 TPT Everyone who hears my teaching and applies it to his life can be compared to a wise man who built his house on an unshakable foundation. When the rains fell and the flood came, with fierce winds beating upon his house, it stood firm because of its strong foundation. Today’s reflections: 1)…


Saying NO is sending a signal to the other person that I have my own life, my own belief, my schedule, my limitations, and I have my own sets of priorities.

Move On

Let me encourage you to be yourself. Speak your mind when necessary. Ask questions if you do not understand. Step out if you are not valued. Invest in your strengths, but do not blame yourself when you make mistakes. Compare your progress from your yesterday’s performance, but do not compare yourself with someone else. Walk like you are a daughter or a son of God, the creator of the Universe.


My search for God started with that image when I was still in Elementary because of those catechist teachers. My fascination with images became an entrance to my idolatrous life because of television. Pastor Chelsea Smith’s picture of her reading, highlighting, and underlining the Bible led me to the image of the invisible God.

Your Feelings Are Valid

Yesterday night after our zoom meeting, I felt gaslighted. I asked my husband if I was just sensitive, but after that meeting, it felt that I was not enough, and my words, my being unique, did not have value at all. First of all, it takes courage to turn on the camera and talk to…

True Love Heals

It’s okay not to be okay for as long as you will not stay that way.

-Pastor Les Tilka-