At my age (43), I slowly learn that God is God, and I am not. We can have a vision board with all our desires and wants, but, His vision board for us will prevail. Sometimes though, what He wants us to go through looks scary, and so we fight for what we want because what we have for ourselves seems comfortable and convenient.

Trusting God is hard, especially for people like me who have trust issues that stemmed when I was a child. Thus, trusting God takes practice daily, moment by moment, minute by minute, and seconds by seconds.

It is a form of surrender that today is His. What we do, no matter how minute it may look like, is our offering, and we keep going thanking Him that He will provide us with His strength.

I discovered how easy it is to trust God in good times. When we are on the mountain top. When we experience victories after victories. When we have favors from people left and right. When all is well in our body, and we are walking in health. When our finances are stable, and we enjoy good in the land.

How can we trust God while in this world? How can we trust Him when we go through a fiery furnace while on earth? How can we trust Him when we are disappointed?

It started with having a relationship with the Trinity daily. It is experiencing the love of our Heavenly Father, the revelation of Jesus’s love to us when He died on the cross, and the ever-present counsel, teaching, and comfort of the Holy Spirit. It is our day-to-day talk with our God when we are in the pit. It is acknowledging His constant love. His gentleness. His mercy. His compassion. His forgiveness.

How can this be practical? It is acknowledging God every time we breathe. We are here because we are breathing the breath of God that gives us life. It is thanking Him for our now. It seems small, but it is impossible without Him. And as we are grounded in the knowledge that every breathing existence with added strength and wisdom comes from Him, we can start trusting Him for the food, our health, our finances, our families, and our careers.

As I am writing this, I become teary-eyed of every little miracle that I receive every day. It’s not full-blown yet, but God is my perfect Father who loves me. He gave me Jesus so that I can be reconciled with Him. If He gave His Son for me even before I recognized Him, how much more will He not answer my prayers.

Thus, I bank on His track record of faithfulness. He is faithful, and what He has started in my life, He will finish to the end.

May this blesses you today. May you be reminded that you have a Heavenly Father who loves you. May you experience His touch every single day. May you continue to grow in your day-to-day walk with Him, and may you grow in your trust with Him.


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