Beating The Feeling Of Overwhelm

I looked at my desk and I saw piles and files of papers to be recorded and to be checked. There’s a lot! And when I think about the bulk of work and assignments that I will have to do and the pressing deadline to present to the students their partial grade, that blow me away. But I realize, that the more I think about it, the more stress and overwhelm I become.

Then, I discover that the best way to beat the feeling of being overwhelmed are the following:

1) Check it one at a time.

2) Record it one at a time.

3) Just do it one at a time.

4) Stop thinking the piles and files but DO IT instead.

5) Be grateful.

So, those are my simple steps to beat the feeling of being overwhelmed. It’s super Nike.

Just Do It.

Maybe you had been thinking way too much. Stop!!!! Pick the work bit by bit. Little by little. Piece by piece and without you knowing it, you are done and you are not stressed.

Have a great day!!!!!


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